Keith Zuspan
Candidate for Town Council 2020
Building Brighton for the future
Thank you for your support - Ballots being tabulated (added December 6th)
Interim reports will be released through the canvass period prior to the final results. All the candidates will continue working on the transition through January. The next transition team meeting is Tuesday November 12th at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. Minutes from previous are posted on the Big Cottonwood Canyon Community Council website.
Ballots have arrived (added October 16th)
In most locations, ballots arrived October 15th. Instructions on early voting, ballot drop off locations and same-day registration are available here.
A copy of the ballot is available here.
Ballots are arriving soon (added October 14th)
Salt Lake County Clerk's office will be sending Vote-By-Mail Ballots the week of October 14th. Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked no later than Monday, November 4th, the day before Election Day. All eligible voters may vote in the County Clerk’s Office (County Government Center, 2001 South State Street, South Building, First Floor, Room 200) weekdays beginning October 22nd – November 4th from 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.
Transition Team Meetings (added September 17th)
The last transition team meeting prior to the election is Tuesday October 1, 2019 at the Brighton Fire Station. The meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend. This will be an important meeting. Several items including Brighton's CY2020 budget will be finalized. Our budget is included in the Municipal Services District budget which is presented to County for approval. Minutes from previous are posted on the Big Cottonwood Canyon Community Council website.
Thank you - Election Ballets tabulated (updated August 16)
Thank you for exercising your right to vote. Election results have been tabulated (but not yet certified). I will continue to push forward building our council to represent all residents.
Brighton Community Association Meeting August 3, 2019 (added July 22nd)
Kathy Anderson, Brighton Community Association, would like to invite all candidates to the meeting. This is another opportunity for residents to the candidates and obtain updates on the Transition Team's work. The meeting will be held at 'Blind Miners Cafe' in the Brighton Center beginning at 10:00 a.m.